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When you land a headshot, you heal yourself for 10% of damage done.
Skill Tree Hunter
Mastery Bow
Tier Tier V
Type Passive
Req 1 Tier IV Ability

Hawkeye is a Passive Tier V Bow Mastery skill in New World. Hawkeye heals yourself for 10% of damage dealt with headshots. Abilities in the Hunter skill tree mainly focus on increasing the amount of damage dealt. Bows benefit only from Dexterity.


Hawkeye Information

  • Hawkeye is part of the Hunter skill tree.
  • When you land a headshot, you heal yourself for 10% of damage done.
  • Tier V


Hawkeye upgrades

Has no upgrades


Hawkeye Notes and Tips

  • Notes & Tips go here


All Hunter Skills in New World
Aim True  ♦  Arrow Range  ♦  Blood Soaked Arrow  ♦  Bullseye  ♦  Bullseye(Bow)  ♦  Calculated  ♦  Concussion  ♦  Deep Strike  ♦  Final Blow  ♦  Final Blow(Bow)  ♦  Finishing Shot  ♦  Long Range  ♦  Opening Strike  ♦  Penetrating Shot  ♦  Rapid Accuracy  ♦  Rapid Shot  ♦  Scatter Shot  ♦  Splinter Shot  ♦  Surprise Attack  ♦  Unbreakable Focus


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