chain shot weapon new world wiki guide 68px

Chain Shot

Tier IV Epic
400-500 Gear Score
75 Damage
2% Critical Hit Chance
1.15 Critical Damage Multiplier
53 Block Stamina Damage
53 Stagger Damage
thrust damage icon new world wiki guide 32px 42 x 6 Thrust Damage

perk icon new world wiki guide 35px 24 Strength

empty gem socket icon 1 new world wiki guide 35px Empty Gem Socket: An empty socket for a gem.

duelist perk icon new world wiki guide 30px Venturing Claw Shot: When Claw Shot connects to a target at least 10m away, gain a 30% Empower for 3s or until next hit.

keen tondo perk icon new world wiki guide 65px Enchanted: Light and Heavy attacks deal 8.6% more damage.

Scales with Strength 90%, Intelligence 65%
12 Weight icon weight new world wiki guide
2500 Durability
Requires Level ??
Can't be Crafted / Bind on Equip

Chain Shot is one of the Epic Blunderbusses in New World. Blunderbusses are one of the 13 Weapon types available in New World for the players to choose from. They are ranged weapons that offers high-mobility coupled with potent close-to-mid range damage. This weapon is good for both melee and mid-ranged combat, good for crowd control and mobility. The Blunderbuss' damage scale primarily with Strength and secondarily with IntelligenceWeapons in New World are the main means for players to deal damage.


It won't chain foes together, but it will get you back into the fight.


Chain Shot Related Masteries

Chain Shot uses the Blunderbuss Skill Mastery which is divided into two different trees; The Containment tree which allows players to close the gap with their enemies; and the Chaos tree focuses on creating distance between the player and opponent by bombarding areas with explosive AoE damage.


Where to find Chain Shot

Chain Shot can be dropped by:


Chain Shot can be acquired by completing:



How to Craft Chain Shot

To craft Chain Shot you need the following materials:



Chain Shot Information & Stats

These are the base stats for Chain Shot

  • 400-500 Gear Score
  • 75 Damage
  • 2% Critical Hit Chance
  • 1.15 Critical Damage Multiplier
  • 53 Block Stamina Damage
  • 53 Stagger Damage
  • Tier IV
  • Scales with Strength 90%, Intelligence 65%
  • 12 Weight icon weight new world wiki guide
  • 2500 Durability
  • Salvageable: __salvageable__
  • Bind on Equip


Chain Shot Perks

These are the available Perks of Chain Shot:

perk icon new world wiki guide 35px 24 Strength

empty gem socket icon 1 new world wiki guide 35px Empty Gem Socket:

  • An empty socket for a gem.

duelist perk icon new world wiki guide 30px Venturing Claw Shot:

  • When Claw Shot connects to a target at least 10m away, gain a 30% Empower for 3s or until next hit.

keen tondo perk icon new world wiki guide 65px Enchanted:

  • Light and Heavy attacks deal 8.6% more damage.



Chain Shot Notes and Tips

  • Notes and tips go here.



All Blunderbusses in New World
A Stunning Silence  ♦  Aged Metal  ♦  Ancient Blunderbuss  ♦  Anointed Blast  ♦  Arboreal Dryad Blunderbuss  ♦  Assassin's Flugelhorn  ♦  Befouled Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Bergan's Blunderbuss  ♦  Big Shot  ♦  Blackguard's Blunderbuss  ♦  Blackpowder Blunderbuss of the Spellsword  ♦  Blinding Light  ♦  Bloodied Piece  ♦  Blunderbuss  ♦  Bone Wrought Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Bracsio  ♦  Brick Breaker  ♦  Brined Metal  ♦  Brutish Powder  ♦  Cave Crawler  ♦  Celebrant's Firework  ♦  Champion's Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Clawing Cold  ♦  Clearance  ♦  Cold Claw  ♦  Corrupted Heart Blunderbuss  ♦  Corrupted Heart Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Covenant Adjudicator Blunderbuss  ♦  Covenant Lumen Blunderbuss  ♦  Coward's Flight  ♦  Crystalline Blunderbuss  ♦  Dancer  ♦  Dangerzone  ♦  Dark Thirst  ♦  Deafening Explosion  ♦  Deep Hole  ♦  Deepwatcher's Blunderbuss  ♦  Deepwatcher Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Defiled Blunderbuss  ♦  Demolishing Shot  ♦  Demon's Demise  ♦  Demonic Execution  ♦  Direhtaka  ♦  Dirty Tactics  ♦  Dome  ♦  Dominion of Man  ♦  Dragon  ♦  Dryad Blunderbuss  ♦  Earthbound Piece  ♦  Ender  ♦  Energizer  ♦  Eternal Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Exhilarating Breach Closer's Blunderbuss of the Fighter  ♦  Exorciser 4000  ♦  Feat of Engineering  ♦  Fifth Floor  ♦  Fired Fury  ♦  Fool's Gambit  ♦  Forsaken Blunderbuss  ♦  Fortifiers Foe  ♦  Frère Jacques  ♦  Frosted Shot  ♦  Garden Keeper's Blunderbuss  ♦  Garden Keeper Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Ghastly Gun  ♦  Gleaming Pitch Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Gun  ♦  Hand Kanone  ♦  Harbinger Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Harvester  ♦  Heavy Mortar  ♦  Heavy Shot  ♦  Hellfire Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Hellish Launcher  ♦  Hot Hands  ♦  Hunter's Blunderbuss  ♦  Icebound Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Invasion Blunderbuss of the Fighter  ♦  Iron Blunderbuss  ♦  Last Argument  ♦  Lazarus Watcher Blunderbuss  ♦  Lazarus Watcher Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Loudener  ♦  Marauder Commander Blunderbuss  ♦  Marauder Destroyer Blunderbuss  ♦  Mayhem  ♦  Messy Splasher  ♦  Mossborne Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Nereid Blunderbuss  ♦  Nereid Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Opportunistic Watery Peal of the Fighter  ♦  Orichalcum Blunderbuss  ♦  Orichalcum Blunderbuss (Gypsum Cast)  ♦  Orichalcum Blunderbuss of the Ranger  ♦  Orichalcum Blunderbuss of the Sage  ♦  Orichalcum Blunderbuss of the Scholar  ♦  Orichalcum Blunderbuss of the Sentry  ♦  Orichalcum Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Outpost Blunderbuss  ♦  Output  ♦  Overgrown Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Peal of Thunder  ♦  Petard  ♦  Piece of the Deleterious  ♦  Pirate's Piece  ♦  Pirated Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Powder Keg  ♦  Practical Design  ♦  Primeval Blunderbuss  ♦  Primordial Blunderbuss  ♦  Rabbit Hunter's Blunderbuss  ♦  Radigah  ♦  Rancid Stench  ♦  Ratagroth's Bear Hug  ♦  Raucous Intent  ♦  Reclamation of the Forest  ♦  Removal  ♦  Rotisgrana  ♦  Scavenger  ♦  Scheming Tempestuous Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Scuffle  ♦  Shadowed Predator  ♦  Shipyard Sentinel's Blunderbuss  ♦  Shipyard Sentinel's Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Shrapnel Launcher  ♦  Silencer  ♦  Singular  ♦  Slapdash  ♦  Slayer  ♦  Smite from on High  ♦  Soaked Blunderbuss  ♦  Soldier's Sidearm  ♦  Soul Spewer 4000  ♦  Soul Sucker 3000  ♦  Spooling Force  ♦  Spreadshot  ♦  Starmetal Blunderbuss  ♦  Steel Blunderbuss  ♦  Stolen Igniter  ♦  Swathe of Darkness  ♦  Syndicate Alchemist Blunderbuss  ♦  Syndicate Cabalist Blunderbuss  ♦  Taggert  ♦  Tainted Metal  ♦  Tainted Shot  ♦  Takedown  ♦  Tempestuous Poetry  ♦  The Big Stick  ♦  The Bowler  ♦  The Gardener  ♦  The Griller  ♦  The Hunt  ♦  The Land  ♦  The Mark (Blunderbuss)  ♦  The Receiver  ♦  The Thunderbuss  ♦  The Tipping Point  ♦  Trapper's Piece  ♦  Treasure Hunter's Tool  ♦  Tremendous Shout  ♦  Troublemaker  ♦  Troublemaker 9000  ♦  Turkey's Bane  ♦  Verite  ♦  Vision  ♦  Void-Touched Kannon  ♦  War Blunderbuss of the Soldier  ♦  Watcher's Threat  ♦  Weave  ♦  Wereton's Protector  ♦  Whirlpool

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